In The Pages of a Good Book Blog Hop - Topic Friendship!

Welcome Hoppers!! In celebration of In the Pages of a Good Book's One Year Anniversary I'd like to present this post to the blog hop! 
Welcome to Mercy's World, the blog about all things romance!!! I hope you enjoy your stay.

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What's better than a story about hot steamy romance??? A story about girl pals that stick together through thick and thin, and then find romance! 

Far be it from me to devalue a great steamy romance read. But what could be better than a story about friends sticking together? I've listed a couple of books below by one of my favorite authors. Other than being funny and an all around great time, these books feature one common theme. Girlfriends! Reading about the great relationship that these ladies had made the story that much more interesting. It just goes to show that secondary characters can make up the difference between regular and spectacular. Not that these books aren't hunk-tacular like all good romances should be... Cause they are! But don't forget about the friends.

We romance writers tend to focus on finding that leading man. Reading these stories made this Roman-ti-File think twice about how I could incorporate some great examples of female bonding into my writing. Read on for three great ideas for adding friend-lurv to any plot!

1. Bond your friends over a common hurt.

We all loved stories like Desperate Housewives, The First Wives Club, and many others. What made these ladies great? They came together over a common hurt and created a bond to last a lifetime. Bring your friends together through adversity and let loyalty see them through.

2. Create funny quirks and history to strengthen the relationship.

Lifelong friends are the people who know everything about you, and love you in spite of it. They are those people you can call in the middle of the night for a little commiseration. They are the first one's there when you need them, and they are the last one to leave when times get hard.  What could be better? Use the history of your character's friendship to create depth and conflict in the story. Did a man get between them before? Does the main character have a weird phobia, or a trigger that makes her do crazy things? Maybe the site of cat food makes her dizzy. Maybe she's terrified of spoons. Whatever it is, let the friends bring it out and then watch the plot fall.

3. The round table of Yay or Nay!

One of my favorite types of friendship scenes are those that show the girlfriend dish. Let your character have a hilariously witty man bashing party after her man messes up. There is nothing quite like letting your friends decide who you should date in the most uproariously funny way. For some great examples of these three ideas check out the books I've listed below.

Happy Writing!

See what I'm talking about with these great End of Summer Reads!!!

Well that's all for me! Thanks for coming to visit Mercy's World. Don't miss out on the next blogs in the hop!!

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