Tarot of Inspiration: The World

Sometimes we reach a point in the story where we aren’t sure which way a character needs to go to reach her destination. Maybe a little divination is in order! Mercy say what??? That’s right! Let the divine guide you when you need a push in the right direction.

The World brings peace and harmony to your character’s life. The story is nearing its end, the circle turned to completion. She’s achieved all her goals, triumphed over adversity and now can bask in the balance of the spirit and the feeling of success.

This card also signifies the beginning of a new cycle, which means the setting of new goals. Maybe it means the beginning of a new story in a series. Or the addition of a new narrative to the mix.  Drawing the World card might mean that your story has reached a short peaceful respite. Quiet moments can lead to higher climaxes later in the plot.

All things are looking up, all trials have passed, and your character has reached their goals. Where does she go from here? What are her plans for the future? Does the story continue? The world makes room for all opportunities, and all possibilities. It signifies a bright moment in a character’s life. But with the World, a balance is required. Each bright moment has an equally dark moment to match it.

Maybe this is the beginning of a new story, or the signal that the story should be revived with a new subplot. When characters become stagnant, the introduction of a minor plotline might be the extra spice that will complete the recipe. The introduction of a new enemy maybe? Or a look into what the bad guys are doing while the protagonist is basking in happiness. However you choose to interpret this card, I’m sure that the results will be spectacular.

Happy Writing!!!

The beautiful Tarot card shown is from the Gilded Tarot  deck by Ciro Marchetti. Find out about tarot and where you can buy this deck at the links below!





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